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Put your cusor on the Dance Video link A-K or L-Z and select the video from the drop-down window
click on the video you would like to learn.
You'll need to log-in to view the videos - it's free so don't worry.
Be sure that when you log-in that you check the box "Remember Me"
so you won't have to log-in the next time you visit.
The video's provided on this website are for educational purposes. Our intentions are so that you will have a means to practice on your own during the week in the privacy of your own home. The goal is to keep you moving and doing some sort of physical exercise throughout the week so you can be the "best you" you can be. This makes fitness and hula much more enjoyable to the point that you look forward to your weekly workout classes with Aloha Allure!
Enjoy and Mahalo!
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